XML for Canvas

XML for Canvas

We've provided some custom XML so that Canvas admins may accomplish several different things in Canvas. With our XML you may:
  1. Install Badgr so it is hidden in Canvas courses by default. Use the XML to install Badgr at the root level so that it is available in all courses, but hidden in the course navigation by default. Then, it can be easily enabled by instructors/teachers who wish to use it.
  2. Customize the Badgr menu labels in Canvas. Use the XML to install Badgr and rename the course links (e.g. change the "badges" menu to read "credentials.")

To enable Badgr for Canvas in a course
Go to the course settings and select the Navigation tab. Find the entry for Badges at the bottom of the list among the disabled options. Drag and drop the item to Enable it and save. The Badges tab will now appear in the course navigation on the next page load. For more information about controlling the configuration of LTI apps in Canvas, see Instructure's Importing Extended Tool Configurations.

Follow this method to add Badgr to Canvas, but disabled by default in courses, so that teachers who want to use it may do so via the course settings.
  1. Get your Consumer Key and Secret from your Badgr account (EU, AU, CA)
  2. In another window or tab, sign in to Canvas with your administrator credentials. Go to the desired Canvas account or sub-account, choose Settings in the left-hand menu, and select the Apps tab.
  3. Select View App Configurations (to escape the EduAppCenter) then select the "+App" button.
  4. Select "Paste XML" from the dropdown.
  5. Copy the values for your LTI shared secret from Badgr and consumer key into the dialog.
  6. Copy the XML code below and paste it into the XML box.
  7. Click Submit

Badgr Canvas XML
With this custom XML you can connect to the U.S. server, Badgr will be available in all courses, but with the navigation entry disabled by default. Below is the property that varies from the default configuration. If you would like to have Badgr enabled in all courses, change the following property from "disabled" to "enabled" under the "course_navigation" section in the overall XML.
 <lticm:property name="default">disabled</lticm:property>
Note: If you would like to connect to a server outside the U.S. you will need to update the server URL in the XML before submitting the form. 
           - Canada https://badgr.io/ -> https://ca.badgr.io/
           - Europe https://badgr.io/ -> https://eu.badgr.io/
           - Australia https://badgr.io/ -> https://au.badgr.io/



                  Integrate with Badgr Server to award badges to students for Module completion.



             <blti:extensions platform="canvas.instructure.com">

                     <lticm:property name="privacy_level">public</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="tool_id">badgebook</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:options name="custom_fields">

                     <lticm:property name="person_address_timezone">$Person.address.timezone</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="canvas_module_id">$Canvas.module.id</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="canvas_module_item_id">$Canvas.moduleItem.id</lticm:property>


             <lticm:options name="course_navigation">

                     <lticm:property name="url">https://canvas.badgr.io/badgebook/</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="text">Badges</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="default">disabled</lticm:property>


             <lticm:options name="account_navigation">

                     <lticm:property name="url">https://canvas.badgr.io/badgebook/</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="text">Badgr Analytics</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property>


             <lticm:options name="resource_selection">

                     <lticm:property name="url">https://canvas.badgr.io/badgebook/link-selection</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="selection_width">800</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="selection_height">500</lticm:property>

                     <lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property>




To view badges on account profiles 
Canvas admins can enable access to the "My Badges" menu via Canvas profiles using the XML below. This allows learners to see all badges earned across all Canvas courses in one place. From a user's Canvas Account, select Profile then My Badges. Badges will be organized by the course in which they were earned.
Please note: You cannot interact with or share your badges from your account profile.
This XML will only work when used at the root level. Please do not attempt to add it to a course or sub-account.

<cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imslticc_v1p0" xmlns:blti="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsbasiclti_v1p0" xmlns:lticm="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imslticm_v1p0" xmlns:lticp="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imslticp_v1p0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imslticc_v1p0 http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/lti/ltiv1p0/imslticc_v1p0.xsd http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsbasiclti_v1p0 http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/lti/ltiv1p0/imsbasiclti_v1p0.xsd http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imslticm_v1p0 http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/lti/ltiv1p0/imslticm_v1p0.xsd http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imslticp_v1p0 http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/lti/ltiv1p0/imslticp_v1p0.xsd">



                  Integrate with Badgr Server to award badges to students for Module completion.


            <blti:extensions platform="canvas.instructure.com">

                  <lticm:property name="privacy_level">public</lticm:property>

                  <lticm:property name="tool_id">badgebook</lticm:property>

                  <lticm:options name="custom_fields">

                  <lticm:property name="person_address_timezone">$Person.address.timezone</lticm:property>

                  <lticm:property name="canvas_module_id">$Canvas.module.id</lticm:property>

                  <lticm:property name="canvas_module_item_id">$Canvas.moduleItem.id</lticm:property>


            <lticm:options name="user_navigation">

                  <lticm:property name="url">https://canvas.badgr.io/badgebook/user</lticm:property>

                  <lticm:property name="text">My Badges</lticm:property>

                  <lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property>




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