Awarding badges to a group of recipients (in bulk)

Awarding badges to a group of recipients (in bulk)

Badgr allows program administrators to award badges (in bulk) to a group of recipients. You may include optional metadata such as evidence and narrative to the badge(s) that may the same or specific to each user.
The first step to awarding a badge in bulk is to upload the list of recipients, then awarding the badge.
Prerequisite: You have created an Issuer and badges in Badgr (see Creating an issuer profile & Creating badges as an issuer).
Badgr Pro subscribers have unlimited bulk awards. If you are using the free version, you are limited to 50 bulk awards at a time.
Manual or bulk awarded badges won't appear in the Badgr for Canvas LTI unless you have purchased a Badgr Pro Subscription (see Tracking Externally Awarded Badges). 
Once a badge has been awarded, its data is baked and unchangeable. If you are made aware of a necessary change to a badge after it has been awarded to an individual (such as an error in the spelling of a name), you can make this change by first revoking the badge, and then awarding it again with the correct data.

Uploading a CSV File
  1. Sign in to your Badgr account.
  2. Select Issuers from the main navigation (in the upper right area of your browser).
  3. Create a new issuer or select the Issuer you would like to award badges for.
  4. Find the Badges Menu listed under the Issuer details and select the badge you want to award.
    1. You may also issue a badge to an individual from here.

Select the Bulk Award from CSV button.
upload csv

From here, you may download a Sample CSV file to see how to structure the data.
Use the Sample Template as your guide, your first few times. 

upload CSV

The CSV file may contain several fields, but only the Email field is required:
    1. Email (required)
    2. Recipient Name (optional)
    3. Narrative (optional)
    4. Evidence URL (optional)

    5. Issue Date (optional)

  1. Expiration Date (optional)

    sample csv file

  2. Once your file is prepared according to instructions, you may upload it by dragging and dropping your file or you can use the file picker.

  3. Select the Next button. 

  4. Match the columns in your file to Badgr's system using the drop-down arrows and click the Next button.

    match columns

  5. If there are problems with your CSV file, you may be presented with information about how to fix the problem(s).

  6. If so, adjust your file following the instructions and re-upload your file.

    fix the problems

Awarding a badge in bulk
  1. Now you are ready to issue the badge to multiple recipients.

  2. Be sure to click the Notify Recipients by Email box (if applicable).

  3. Be sure to click the Prevent Duplicate Badge Awards box (if applicable).

  4. When you are ready, click Finish.
  5. You will be returned to the badge detail page where you may view the recent and past Awards from the tab under the Issuer name.
            notification and duplicate

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