Badgr Pathways LTI App for D2L/Brightspace
A single pathway can be added to multiple courses and/or multiple pathways can be added to a single course.
The Badgr Pathways LTI app allows D2L/Brightspace instructors to add Badgr Pathways to courses. Instructors can view group or individual progress along the learning pathway. Students are able to see their own individual progress and are provided with a roadmap of their learning journey. Badgr Pathways can be constructed using Open Badges from any platform and/or issuer.
- Ensure you are enrolled as a teacher in the course.
- Define an issuer in Badgr before creating the Badgr Pathway.
- Define the set of badges that will be used for the Pathway.
- Create and publish a Badgr Pathway.
- Create an LTI for the desired Pathway.
Installing the Badgr Pathways LTI is easy!
Badgr Pathways gives teachers and students an easy-to-use view of their progress through a pathway right in their courses.
- From your issuer dashboard in Badgr Pathways, find the pathway you want to add to your course and select LTI Integrations.
- Install the newly created LTI app by copying the key, secret, and URL from Pathways into D2L/Brightspace. Learn more below.
Step-by-Step: How to Install
- Sign in to the Badgr server of your choice and select an issuer profile or create a new one.
- Select the Manage Pathways button from the Issuer detail page. Alternatively, you may use the Apps menu in Badgr to connect to Pathways.
- A new window will open to the Pathways app. If you are prompted to log in or authorize, please do so.
- Once logged in, you will be taken to the "My Issuers" area in the Pathways app.
- Select the issuer that manages the pathway you wish to add to your course.
Select the ellipses that correspond with the pathway you wish to add to your course.
- Choose LTI Integrations.
- From the LTI Integrations page, you can manage or add a new integration. Select Add Integration to create a new installation.
- Give your new integration a meaningful name and select the type of integration you are creating (Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, or Other e.g. D2L/Brightspace).
- In another tab, sign in as a teacher in the desired D2L/Brightspace account, sub-account, or course.
Select the External Learning Tools link at the top of the page and then select the New Link button.
Enter a title and description for the LTI app you are creating.
Under the Key/Secret section of the page, select the radio button corresponding to Link/Secret.
Copy and paste the Config URL presented in the Badgr Pathways dialog box into your D2L/Brightspace integration.
Edit the URL.
Edit the URL by replacing "/config.xml" with "/launch"
Copy and paste the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret (Shared Secret) into the corresponding fields.
- At the bottom of the page, under Security Settings, select the radio button "Use link security settings."
- Select all the items in the list, then Save and Close.
- Use the dropdown menu from the External Tool to preview the results in a new window. The new window should open up a view of your Pathway.
- Add the External Tool as Content to the course and make it visible to students.
When students sign in to the course and access the Pathways LTI app, they will be prompted to agree to the Badgr Terms of Service and directed through an authorization process.
After authorizing the Badgr app, students can view the Pathway right from within their course.
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