Checklist for badging in Canvas courses

Checklist for badging in Canvas courses

Once you've completed these steps, you're all set to configure Badgr to award Open Badges automatically in your course. 
If you are outside the US, please ensure that you are using your regional server (Australia, Canada or Europe). You will need to get your consumer key and shared secret from the appropriate server and install the app using the "by URL" or "paste XML" method.  --  -- 

Add the Badgr LTI to Canvas
  1. Most Canvas URLs are automatically pre-authorized. If it is not pre-authorized, Badgr will prompt you to request preauthorization.
    1. Have your Canvas admin confirm settings at the root level (see Troubleshooting).
  1. Add the Badgr LTI app at the course, sub-account, or root level. 
    1. Adding Badgr to a course 
    2. Adding Badgr to an account or sub-account

Set up Badgr in courses

  1. Enroll as a teacher in the course as module completion requirements may be tied to grades, which only teachers can access.
  1. Publish the course and modules (see Instructure's How do I create a module?).
  1. Add module completion requirements (see Instructure's How do I add requirements to a module?).
  1. Configure your course to award badges automatically.
  1. Create an issuer and badges in Canvas.
  1. Assign badges to modules.
  1. Trigger badge awards once the course begins.

Module requirements and awarding badges
Module Completion Requirements trigger badge awards and must be assigned to each module for which you wish to award a badge. Teacher and student roles interact best with Badgr. Custom roles are not supported.
module completion rules
If badges are not being awarded as expected, you may need to establish or adjust your module requirements (see Troubleshooting: A student did not get a badge in a Canvas course).
Badgr will not award badges when using the Canvas "test student" feature as a teacher. Badgr must have access to an email address to award badges.

Best Practices

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