Creating an issuer in Badgr

Creating an issuer in Badgr

A badge issuer profile describes an organization or individual responsible for issuing badges. An issuer could represent an individual, a course or instructor, a department, school, or organization. For the next step, see Creating badges as an issuer in Badgr.

If you use Badgr for Canvas, the first step to setting Badgr up in your course is to define an issuer profile. The form to define a new profile is available right in the app. If you also have a Badgr account outside of Canvas, you'll see the issuers you've previously defined outside of Canvas as well.

Creating an issuer in Badgr
  1. Navigate to the Issuers primary menu option.
  2. Click Create Personal Issuer.
  3. Enter the following required fields:
    1. Name – e.g., "North Ridge High School English Department"
    2. Website URL – e.g., ""
    3. Contact Email – e.g., "" 
    4. Description – e.g., "The instructors of the English Department at the nationally recognized North Ridge School"
  4. Upload an issuer image (optional, but recommended; see Recommended specifications for badge images)
  5. Click Create Issuer to save.

Create issuer page

Editing an issuer in Badgr
  1. Navigate to the Issuers primary menu option.
  2. Click the issuer you want to edit
  3. Click the ellipsis on the right of the page and select the Edit Issuer option from the dropdown menu.
    Badge issuer page
  4. Update any of the Issuer information and click Save.

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