Issuer locking is a
Badgr Pro feature for Canvas that only allows access to a single issuer on a specified course or subaccount. Teachers will not be able to change issuers once the issuer is locked in a course or subaccount in Canvas. This may be useful if a number of teachers are teaching the same course, and your institution would like to use a standard set of badge awards to structure the curriculum. There are many ways to employ this feature to help organize and structure your badging style. This feature must be activated by the Badgr Team in order to use it.
If this is a feature you wish to utilize in your Badgr Pro account, please send the course or account URL you wish to lock and the issuer name to
Course URL
To find the course URL, select the course you wish to lock the issuer for in the left side menu of Canvas. While on the course page, copy the web address from your navigation bar. The URL should end with "course/###" with a set of numbers identifying the course.
Account URL
While logged into Canvas as an admin, select "Admin" from the left side menu. Select the account or sub-account you wish to lock the issuer on. Copy the web address from your navigation bar. The URL should end with "account/###" with a set of numbers identifying the account.