"Level Up" Pathway Examples

"Level Up" Pathway Examples

Pathways are very flexible and can be constructed in several different ways to achieve the same goal. Consider your audience and their familiarity with pathways as you construct them. Ask yourself...
    1. How easy is it for subscribers to follow the pathway?
    2. How easy is it for administrators to track participants?
    3. How does the layout of the pathway reflect the program?
    4. Are different weights given to different badges and pathway nodes? Is that reflected in the structure of the pathway?
    5. Do different pathway nodes reflect similar amounts of work? 

Here we've provided 4 different ways a Pathway can be structured to award badges as pathway subscribers complete a predetermined number of activities.

In the first 2 examples, the Bronze badge is awarded after the completion of activities 1-3. The Silver badge is awarded for completion of activities 4-6 and the Gold badge is awarded for activities 7-9. While the Bronze, Silver and Gold badges must be earned in that order, the subscriber can do activity 1, 2 & 3 in any order. Same for activities 4, 5 & 6 as well as activities 7, 8 & 9.

Example 1: On this pathway, each step of the process is laid out with only one badge per step/tile. This Pathway uses a large amount of real estate. This approach might be useful if you have a relatively simple pathway and you want to fully display each badged activity in an ordered approach. They might check their progress regularly.

Example 2: This pathway shows how you can combine Required Badges and Milestone Badges on a single step/tile while also visually indicating to the subscriber that they are leveling up. This approach might be useful if subscribers to the pathway are doing grouped activities, like a semester or term of courses. They might come check their progress periodically to stay on track.

In the last 2 examples, the Bronze badge is awarded after the completion of activities 1-3. The Silver badge is awarded for completion of activities 4-6 and the Gold badge is awarded for activities 7-9. While the Bronze, Silver and Gold badges must be earned in that order, the subscriber can do activity 1, 2 & 3 in any order. Same for activities 4, 5 & 6 as well as activities 7, 8 & 9.

Example 3: This simple view pathway clearly shows that there are 9 total activities and a badge will be awarded upon completion of 3, 6 or 9 of the activities. This pathway illustrates how you can use non-child prerequisites in conjunction with the steps/tiles to express movement along the pathway.

Example 4: This pathway uses a small amount of real estate. If your pathway is large or complex, you may wish to add several types of badges to a single step/tile. This might also be helpful if you are daisy chaining several pathways together or making an uber-pathway for admin views.

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