Public Pages

Public Pages

Every Organization, Issuer, Pathway, and Badge has a public page on Badgr that displays all the associated data of the item. Program administrators may wish to share the various URLs of their badging program offerings to learners, educators, or other interested parties. This article describes what each particular public view looks like, as well as tips on how to make sure the information on your public view is as up-to-date as possible. 

You can choose to display Issuers, Pathways, and/or Badges on the public pages or hide them from public view.
Best Practice: Contact email addresses are accessible via public pages. We recommend using a generic email inbox (e.g. when creating an Organization and/or Issuer(s).

Organization Public Page (Badgr Pro only)
If you have purchased a Badgr Pro subscription, you may access your Organization's public page from the Dashboard tab.
The Organization's main page cannot be hidden, but Issuers, Badges, and Pathways of the Organization may be hidden. 

Viewing the Organization Public Page
  1. Sign in to your Badgr Account.
  2. Select the Dashboard menu.
  3. Select the ellipsis on the upper right side and then select "View Public Page" from the dropdown menu.

    Organization Public page

  4. You will be brought to the public view of your organization's page. 
  5. Badging program elements are also displayed on your organization's public page.
  6. Access the tabs to view the Organization's issuers, badges, and pathways offerings. Please note Pathways will only display for Badgr Pro users.
  7. From the tabs, you can access an Issuer, Pathway, or Badge public page. 
  8. If you are signed in to your Badgr account, you will see a "Public" designation at the top of the page and "Edit Visibility" controls under the tab menu.
    Org public page

Issuer Public Page
Issuer pages are always public unless you have purchased a Badgr Pro account.
Individual badges may be hidden on any Issuer public page.
  1. To access the public view for issuers, sign in to your Badgr account.
  2. Select the "Issuers" tab. If you have more than one issuer, select the issuer for which you wish to see the public view.
  3. On the Issuer detail page, select the ellipsis on the righthand side of the screen, and then click "View Public Page." 
  4. The public Issuer page will display the Badges and Pathways that fall under the issuer.
  5. Note that you can edit the public visibility of the Issuer from this page by selecting the "Public" button.
    Issuer public page

  6. On the public page, there is a tab for Badges and Pathways (if you have a subscription to Badgr Pro). 
  7. If you are signed in to your Badgr account, you will see a "Public" designation at the top of the page and "Edit Visibility" controls under the tab menu.
  8. Access "Edit Visibility" to toggle the badge's visibility on or off. Then, select "Done Editing."

    public issuer page

  9. Note that you can also set public visibility when you create an Issuer, Pathway, and/or Badge.
    Hide badge when creating
Badges Public View
If you are an issuer, consider what information appears in public view when you are building your badges. This can help guide you to create clear descriptions that accurately describe the achievement.

For badge earners:
To access public view for a badge you have earned, sign in to your Badgr account and navigate to the Backpack. Select the badge you want to see publicly. On the right-hand side of the screen, click "view public page." Your screen will then display what others see when they view your badge. 
public badge page

For badge issuers:
To access the public view of a badge template or a badge you have awarded, sign in to your Badgr account and navigate to the Issuers menu. Select the Issuer and then select the badge. From the badge detail page, you can choose to view the public page of the badge template or you can view the public page of an awarded badge.
issuer public badge

Pathways Public Page
Pathways is a feature available through Badgr Pro. If you are interested in becoming a Badgr Pro subscriber, contact 
  1. To access the public view for Pathways, go to your issuer's public view, and then select the Pathways tab.
  2. Next, click on the pathway for which you wish to see the public view. 
  3. You will be able to see your selected pathway as it looked when you set it up, without the option to edit. 
  4. You can also access the Pathway public view from inside your Badgr account.
pathway from public issuer  

pathways public page from badgr account

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