Troubleshooting: Couldn't find valid settings for this link

Troubleshooting: Couldn't find valid settings for this link

Canvas error message

If you've used the External Tool feature to place a view of a badge right in a module (to collect evidence or not) you may experience an error message.

Rarely, the configuration saved in Canvas for module item placements of a Badgr badge within a course become corrupted. This is easily corrected by reinstalling the Badgr for Canvas app and reconfiguring the module badge placements. No data about your course configuration or badges awarded will be lost. 

Closely follow these steps to correct the error:
  1. Remove the External Tool placement in all modules and in all courses where it is being used.
    Note: If this step is skipped, the error message won't clear.
  2. Uninstall Badgr from the course, sub-account or root level
  3. Reinstall the Badgr app at the course, sub-account or root level
  4. Add the External Tool placements in modules where desired.
  5. Observe that the tool is working properly.

Reinstalling Badgr won't affect ongoing courses. When the app is re-added to a Canvas instance, existing configurations and badge assignments will automatically be re-established.

  1. The only exception is the Badgr External Tool placement(s), which should be removed manually prior to reinstalling Badgr app to clear the error. Placements made with a previous install of Badgr will no longer work with a new install.

Canvas external tools

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