Narratives and Evidence add robust details to an awarded badge, providing additional context and detail about the award. They may be used to support or establish the validity of the badge it represents. When added to a badge, Narratives and Evidence become part of the badge's portable data. Evidence can be submitted in a Narrative form or as a URL.
What is Evidence and why use it?
Evidence is anything presented that supports an assertion or claim. Evidence is used to prove or disprove something and can help make things clear, so there is a mutual understanding of fact. Depending on the information shared, evidence may have varying degrees of strength and comes in different forms (testimony, documentary and physical). Evidence may contain personalized information, specific to the badge recipient or it may contain more universal information applicable to a subset of the badge recipients that may be organized in groups or cohorts.
Narrative Evidence in Open Badges
Narrative text (evidence) supports Markdown and may consist of personalized information about the award including a writing sample or other reference; or observations/commentary supplied by the issuer. Narratives are baked into an Open Badge's metadata and can be viewed and/or consumed by anyone with whom the badge was shared. Narratives may contain individualized commentary for each badge award or it may apply to a subset of recipients and contain the same or similar information.
- "This student showed exceptional leadership skills by facilitating classroom discussions, leading break-out groups and coaching students on homework assignments. "
- "Recipients of this badge were certified on 2020-Jan-15 in Portland, OR at our testing facility."
URL Evidence in Open Badges
Evidence URLs point to publicly accessible information that support the badge award. Evidence URLs are included in the badge's metadata and may be viewed and/or consumed by anyone with whom the badge was shared. Evidence takes many forms. It can be personally provided information, information drawn from a document, or it may be provided in the form of material objects. Evidence URLs may point to student work and contain learning artifacts.
Please Note: Use caution to ensure that URLs do not contain sensitive or personal information recipients would not wish to share with their earned badge.
- Links to a published article
- YouTube videos
- Collections of photos
- Google Docs files accessible by URL
- ePortfolio items
Best Practices
- Know your audience! Consider who will be the main consumer of the badge metadata. What information is important and why?
- Evidence URLs should be easily accessible and not stored behind a firewall or login unless necessary.
- Broken evidence links may have adverse effects. Plan to host the links in perpetuity or for the life of the badge.
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